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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 2516. Ethnologie16.3. Asie centraleAltan Gökalp, Roberte Hamayon. «...

16. Ethnologie
16.3. Asie centrale

Altan Gökalp, Roberte Hamayon. « Asie Centrale », in : Pierre Bonte & Michel Izard, dir., Dictionnaire de l’ethnologie et de l’anthropologie. Paris, PUF (Quadrige), 2002 [1ère éd. 1991], pp. 85-88, bibliographie.

Stéphane A. Dudoignon

Texte intégral

1This short notice about anthropological studies on Central Asia offers an unchanged version of that published twelve years ago in the first edition of the volume which contains it. It gives a quick survey of 1) the ethnology of Turkey and Turkic-speaking populations of Central Asia (by A.G.); 2) the ethnology of Mongolia (by R.H.). Both sections focus on Soviet ethnography and Western studies of the Cold War period. To be completed by: P. Bonte, M. Izard, G. Lenclud, “URSS (CEI). Les anthropologues russes et soviétiques”, ibid., pp. 730-732, bib.; G. Charachidzé, “Indo-européennes (sociétés)”, ibid., pp. 372-373, bib.; J.-P. Digard, “Moyen-Orient, 2. Domaine iranien”, ibid., pp. 811-812, bib.; A. Gökalp, “Moyen-Orient, 3. Domaine turc”, ibid., pp. 812-814, bib.; J. Lemoine, “Chine, 3. Les minorités non han”, ibid., pp. 144-147, bib.; R. Hamayon, “Sibérie”, ibid., pp. 664-666, bib. Although the present volume offers, generally speaking, an invaluable tool to French-reading students and scholars in anthropology, it has the disadvantage to be very outdated since reflecting the rather poor situation of Central Eurasian studies in France in the late 1980s – a period when, after the death of Alexandre Bennigsen, this vast region was covered by prominent specialists of neighbouring areas.

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Référence électronique

Stéphane A. Dudoignon, « Altan Gökalp, Roberte Hamayon. « Asie Centrale », in : Pierre Bonte & Michel Izard, dir., Dictionnaire de l’ethnologie et de l’anthropologie. Paris, PUF (Quadrige), 2002 [1ère éd. 1991], pp. 85-88, bibliographie. »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 25 | 2004, document 367, mis en ligne le 15 mars 2006, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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