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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 313. Histoire, art et archéologie, ...3.2. Ouest de l’Iran3.2.2. Pré-Achéménides et Achémén...M. T. Atai. « Narges Tappe va neš...

3. Histoire, art et archéologie, période pré-Islamique
3.2. Ouest de l’Iran
3.2.2. Pré-Achéménides et Achéménides

M. T. Atai. « Narges Tappe va nešāne-hā-yī az dowre-ye Mād va Haḫāmanešī dar Gorgān / Narges Tepe and evidence from the Median and Achaemenian periods in the plain of Gorgan ». Iranian Journal of Archaeology and History, Vol. 44, Spring and Summer 1387/[2008], p. 42-55.

Ali Mousavi

Texte intégral

1Due to a general lack of systematic surveys, Achaemenid settlements in north-eastern Iran are rare. It is why the excavation of sites that may reveal archaeological evidence of the Achaemenid or earlier periods is important. Narges Tepe is located 7km north-west of the modern city of Goragn, 2km south of the Qara-Su river. It is a low mound, 110x110m with only 4m high above the surrounding fields. The mound was first detected during the Japanese surveys of 1976. In 2004, the site was the object of a series of soundings by the authors on behalf of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research. The excavators carried out eleven soundings on the surface of the mound. According to the finds, essentially ceramics, the site was first occupied in the Iron Age I period. The authors do not give any report on architectural remains. The ceramic finds consist of orange ware and grey ware of the Late Iron Age with carinated shapes.

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Ali Mousavi, « M. T. Atai. « Narges Tappe va nešāne-hā-yī az dowre-ye Mād va Haḫāmanešī dar Gorgān / Narges Tepe and evidence from the Median and Achaemenian periods in the plain of Gorgan ». Iranian Journal of Archaeology and History, Vol. 44, Spring and Summer 1387/[2008], p. 42-55. »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 31 | 2011, document 33, mis en ligne le 15 février 2012, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Ali Mousavi


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