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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 232. Linguistique2.1. Langues anciennesRonald E. Emmerick. « The Khotane...

2. Linguistique
2.1. Langues anciennes

Ronald E. Emmerick. « The Khotanese Sumukhasūtra ». Indologica Taurinensia 23-24, 1997-1998 [oct. 1999], pp. 387-421.

Mauro Maggi

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Texte intégral

1Re-edition and first translation of the Late Khotanese Sumukha(dhāraī)sūtra, a Buddhist text entirely extant in a miscellaneous manuscript probably dating from 943 CE (Ch c.001.852-1061: editio princeps by H. W. Bailey, Khotanese Buddhist texts, Cambridge 1951, pp. 135-143 [repr. 1981] ; the Sanskrit original is only partly preserved). § 5 : u biśä ra kleśī’nā sāͅni tvīa yuai is better translated ‘and [you] have destroyed all the enemies which are the afflictions’ (cf. A. Degener, ZDMG 139,1989, pp. 347-348). § 6 : the dagger is a misprint for the punctuation mark. § 7 : the emendation tsva<ma> is risky, as tsva is likely to be an instance of haplology in Late Khotanese (cf. Emmerick, Saka grammatical studies, London 1968 [= SGS], 215). § 30 : ttira ku mara ... āta ‘As soon as they came here’ could also be read tti ra ku mara ... āta ‘And when they came here’ (the spellings tti ‘those, they’ and ra ‘and’ are common in this text). § 51 : in the translation add « the Buddha » at the end. § 64 : The emendation hvāͅn͂u̥<mä> is unnecessary, as hvāͅn͂u̥ṃ is a regular LKh. development (see SGS 191) ; in the translation add « a method of the Law » after « Sumukha ». § 67 : the insertion of <drraiśä> ‘by heart’ is not strictly necessary (cf. e.g. § 82). § 85 : the emendation yanu̥<mä> is unnecessary (cf. § 64). § 94 : In the translation read « this dhāraī called Sumukha, a method of the Law, knowledge ... » and « Kinnaras ».

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Référence électronique

Mauro Maggi, « Ronald E. Emmerick. « The Khotanese Sumukhasūtra ». Indologica Taurinensia 23-24, 1997-1998 [oct. 1999], pp. 387-421. »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 23 | 2002, document 20, mis en ligne le 08 février 2010, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Mauro Maggi

Istituto universitario orientale – Naples (Italie)

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